Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy establishes Trax’s commitment to its customers or visitors regarding the protection of personal data, informing them of the processing it carries out with their data, as well as the rights it recognizes as data subjects, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) and applicable data protection legislation.

The Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the processing of personal data carried out by Trax in the context of the purposes set out herein, in which personal data is considered to be information relating to a natural person, of any nature and regardless of its medium, which identifies or enables the identification of that person.
Use of this website implies acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

1. Responsible for processing personal data

Trax Shuttle Services is the entity responsible for processing the personal data of its customers or visitors to this website. If you have any questions regarding your personal data, you can contact us by the following means:
Azinhaga da Aroeira, 1 Trás Das Eiras
Telephone: +351 914 316 519

2. How personal data is collected

Your personal data is collected through forms on this website, whether contact, registration or purchase forms, the completion of which is voluntary.

3. Personal data is collected

Trax Shuttle Services may collect various personal data depending on the purpose, such as name, email address, telephone number and address for sending products or providing services, and tax identification number for issuing invoices.

This website also uses cookies, described in detail below.

4. Purpose of personal data

In addition to the purposes described above, the data collected is generally used to manage the commercial relationship, to tailor our products or services to your needs and interests, and to send you commercial or other news that may interest you.

5. Security of personal data 

Trax Shuttle Services undertakes to process only the personal data that is strictly necessary to carry out the purposes described above, and will make every effort to ensure the security and protection of personal data, including administrative and technical measures to prevent access to your data, its misuse, or its unauthorized disclosure.

6. How long personal data is kept

For the marketing of products and services, your personal data will be kept until consent is withdrawn, within legal limits. For other purposes, Trax will keep your personal data for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, after which your personal data will be deleted. There may be legal or tax requirements that oblige us to keep certain personal data for a certain period of time. In such cases, in the case of a legal or tax obligation, Trax will have to respect this minimum retention period.

Once the maximum retention period has expired, Trax undertakes to delete, destroy or anonymize your personal data.

7. Sharing personal data 

At Trax, employees who need your personal data in order to carry out the necessary commercial or legal procedures have access to it.

If personal data is processed by other entities to ensure the provision of the service, Trax will demand the same level of privacy and security for your personal data from such entities.

For the strict fulfillment of legal or tax obligations, your personal data may be transmitted to other entities, for example courts or public bodies.

Under no circumstances will Trax share your personal data with other companies or brands for other commercial purposes.

8. Consent to personal data

Under the terms of the law, the data subject is guaranteed the right to access, rectify, limit or oppose the processing, portability or forgetting of their personal data. The exercise of these rights may be subject to limitations laid down by law.

To exercise any of these rights, simply send us your request via the email address indicated above.

Trax will carefully analyze your request and undertakes to respond in a timely manner.

9. Competent authority

You will also always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority:

Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados – CNPD –

10. Cookies

Cookies are small files or packets of data exchanged between the website and your browser. This website may use different types of cookies:

Session cookies: these are temporary cookies that are not stored on your computer after you leave the site and are used to analyze traffic patterns, allowing us to improve the content and usability of the site.

Analytical cookies: these are used anonymously for statistical purposes and are processed by us or by third parties in order to analyze browsing patterns on the website and improve the provision of products or services.

Functional cookies: store user preferences regarding the use of the website.

Advertising cookies: they target advertising according to the user’s interests, helping to measure its effectiveness, avoiding the display of duplicate ads, etc.

11. Managing cookies

Browsers allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies through their advanced settings. These can usually be managed in the “Options” or “Preferences” menu.

Please note that disabling cookies may prevent some pages or services on the website from working properly.

12. Updating this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be reviewed and updated at any time, with the latest version always being published on our website.
